CID Kumar missing!

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CID Kumar missing!

The Police CID Organised Crimes unit Sergeant whose uniform was found at the house of a woman who was engaged in a drug racket in the Ja-Ela area, has gone missing, after the incident.

With the details of this racket being exposed, the Police Department had taken measures to interdict the said officer.

At the time the STF had raided the suspect woman’s house, and found his uniform bearing police tag ‘Kumar Sekara G31118’ pinned to his uniform above the pocket.

Upon interrogation, the arrested female suspect Rajeshwari, who was caught with 80 grams of drugs, had told police that the drugs were given to her by the said sergeant who is now in hiding.

Investigations have also revealed that the said female suspect had been involved in the drug racket even at the time of the LTTE and had maintained close ties with the LTTE Sea Tigers.

It has also been revealed that she is also a member of the underworld gang including ‘Kimbula Ele Guna’ and other notorious underworld figures.

Courtesy : Srilanka Mirror