Another price hike of an essential commodity ! Dhal ?

The Essential Food Items Importers and Traders Association stated that the price of dhal in the local market will increase.
The price of dhal is currently Rs. 250 a kilo. The Association said that this is due to dhal being imported from Canada and Australia. The dhal yield in Canada this season was low, and the world market prices high.
Meanwhile, gas companies have requested the government to permit the increase of gas prices in the local market.
Laufgs Gas, which recently hiked its prices, state that they are still running at a loss.
State Minister for Consumer Protection, Lasantha Alagiyawanna stated that gas companies have requested the price hike in keeping with international market prices. He added discussions are still underway in this regard.
Meanwhile, the Litro Protection National Group stated in a press release that the two gas companies have been amalgamated and a new company formed. They stated that the future of Litro Gas is in grave danger.