Law executed upon those who went out to buy food commodities but Law not applied to liquor lovers in large crowd on the road! Why ?

Yesterday when wines stores were opened amidst Corona quarantine curfew the police did and said nothing but today when some people got together at the fish stall in Kokuvil police sprang upon the buyers and did antigen test on them. People in the area comments this with much disgust in police negligent duty .
As Kokuvil fish market is closed due to Corona quarantine curfew , people had to buy fish nearby pavement fish stalls.People said worriedly that Nallur pradeshiya saba health officers and the police did antigen test on the people there.
The quarantine curfew without lifting off is going on. But the government says essential services are allowed and people can come out for their important and necessary needs. But the police did say anything about the liquor lovers in a large crowd standing in-front of the wines stores. .