Military targets Released Tamils’ land in Valli West ? Sumanthiran surveys the spot!

TNA parliamentarian M.P and Presidential advocate Mr.M.A. Sumanthiran went to have a survey the lands released from the Security forces in the Valli West at the time of last regime.
Accompanying with M.A. Sumanthiran, Valli North chairman of Valli North Predesiya Saba Mr.S. Suhirthan jointly visited the lands to make a field survey those lands on which the Security forces has tended to recapture the lands again.
They could observe that there were sign boards erected in the those lands depicting as “This land belongs to Military”. Thereby there has been an excitement among the residents of the area.
Meanwhile the owners of the lands in which sign boards are erected had already submitted many complaints to the Chairman of Valli North Pradeshiya Saba too.
It is widely spoken that in this situation only Mr. M.A. Sumanthiran group has visited those lands and made a field survey.