Political blinded UN invites mass killer Gotta to Climate change conference!

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Political blinded UN invites mass killer Gotta to Climate change conference!

Srilankan president Gottabaya Rajapakse being a mass killer and had enlisted his killer-aides as ministers and advisors has been dodging the international community to shield off his crimes against humanity and started to come around the world as a martyr.

In this position, UN too has given the due respect to him and invited for the climate change conference in Glasgow in Scotland.

Many thousands of people had been left homeless and many thousands made disappeared.Still the relations of those made disappeared are on protestations to clarify their mysterious disappearances.

Many thousands’ lands were occupied by security forces and let those owner families in camps. The lands of those civilians are being still with security forces for their purposes.

After coming to power he has ruined the country’s economy in the name of Covid 19 infection. People are made to starve owing to lack of any economic developmental program.

Besides all these, racialism against Tamils and Muslims has been made a compulsory syllabus of the country. People's democratic demonstrations are being strongly oppressed without mercy.

Preparations are under way to stage a Myanmar type suppression and oppression against Tamils and Muslim communities in future.

At this stage, what are the specialties lie on him to be invited with other democratic leaders of other countries. That means a mass murderer – culprit too can represent in UN sessions.  He must be arrested and be produced before International Criminal Courts. For that alone,he would be liable.