Permission granted to South Lankan in Pungudutivu!

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Permission granted to South Lankan in Pungudutivu!

In the situation in which in J/ Pungudutivu at MadathuVelli sea area 30 acres are granted to establish sea cucumber farm to a South Srilankan by the ministry of Fisheries, the area fishermen expressed their objection.

The area fishermen charge that this action has been taken by cheating some very important persons of Sri Murugan Fisheries Association. They charge that there is also an area councilor behind this act.

They worry that if there is a sea cucumber farm established, then sea resources in thearea will be ruined. And they say that if that happened they have to commit suicide due to losing their earning sources.

Meanwhile in regard to this performance , Velanai Pradeshiya Saba opposition members,Karunakaran Navalan,Sellappah Parthiban, Phillip Francis and Swaminathan Pirakalathan also paid a visit to the spot and listened to the opinions of the local fishermen.

PradeshiyaSaba members requested to stop these types of performances by cheating local fishermen and called upon social services clubs to come forward to stop these types of anti- social activities in future.