Mother of 3 children died of Corona infection in Jaffna! Tragedy due to carelessness in 6 days long fever!!

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Mother of 3 children died of Corona infection in Jaffna! Tragedy due to carelessness in 6 days long fever!!

According to Health sources it is said that a mother of 3 children has died of Corona infection in Jaffna.

K.Pathmalogini(38) from Araly road, Vasanthapuram , Jaffna is the person died of corona infection.

While she has been suffering from a fever for six days and until that time she has been using some medicines she had taken from a private hospital.

In this situation, as she has caught sudden difficulties in breathing only,yesterday she was admitted in J/Hospital. But the treatment given her in Jaffna Hospital became in vain and she died.

After her death when PCR test was done it came to know she had already corona infection and it is said that she had not completed taking vaccines so far.

Following this, it is said that the body is to be cremated  according to the health guidelines