Tile prices skyrocket – construction industry badly affected!
Due to the price of tiles skyrocketing to around four times the previous price, the construction industry is facing a serious crisis, said the President of the Tile Importers' Association Carmel Hussein.
About two years ago, steps were taken to stop the import of tiles with the aim of boosting the local tile industry in the face of the Corona epidemic.
However, he said that the price of tiles has quadrupled in the last few months due to insufficient production of locally produced tiles to meet the demand. As a result, the construction of high-rise buildings has been hampered due to the shortage of tiles and even those intending to construct small toilets are unable to do so due to the shortage and high price of tiles and bathroom fittings.
He said that the price of a 2x2 floor tile has increased from Rs. 600 to Rs. 1600 and the price of a wall tile has increased from Rs. 250 to over Rs. 800. However, he noted that even at that price there is a shortage of tiles.
It is further reported that the association has requested the government to allow the import of tiles for one year on a credit basis even if there are no dollars, or to allow the importation subject to certain restrictions.