A 23 year old youth arrested for blackmailing a principal continuously! Why he threatened him? Why the principal was afraid? Still in mystery..

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A 23 year old youth arrested for blackmailing a principal continuously! Why he threatened him? Why the principal was afraid? Still in mystery..

A youth of 23 year old has been arrested for threatening a principal and receiving a lot of money as ransom for some days.

Some days ago it was reported that an unidentified person had snatched principal’s vehicle tax receipt and license and asked money as ransom.

This youth had told the principal that he is being a police officer and started to receive money time by time since that incident. Thus he has collected Rs. 1,38,000 from the principal.

When this process of blackmailing went on, at a certain stage he used vandalism to suck more money from the principal. Following this, the principal has to lose his patience and had to seek the help of police.

Then the principal brought this matter to the attention of Mullaitivu Police Superintendent and the police plotted a plan to trap the culprit into their investigation zone.

According to their plan when the culprit ask money next time, it was set up to come to a junction to give the money and it was done as planned. The culprit was easily get caught by plain clothed policemen and taken to the police station along with his motor bike.

The arrested culprit is reported to be of 23 years old and from Mullaitivu- Ward Number 9 , Malligaitivu. It is reported he has been produced before Mullaitivu courts and remanded for further legal proceedings.