NO JUSTICE for Easter Attack victims under present government – Sajith

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NO JUSTICE for Easter Attack victims under present government – Sajith

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa said that NO justice will be served for the victims of the 2019 April Terror Attacks under the present government.  “I will never hesitate to impose the maximum punishment on all those responsible for the Easter Attacks, including the mastermind, by following an impartial and independent investigation,” said the Opposition Leader on Sunday (16).  He noted that the people have started to raise concerns over the Easter Attacks, and the Government’s conduct and lethargic investigations have proven these concerns as well.  “The Government that used the Easter Attacks to secure power, appears to have forgotten all about it,” he said.  The Opposition Leader also speaking on the recent discovery of a grenade at a church, said those investigations too are taking place in a very concerning manner that raise serious doubts.  “It is not good when the people start losing faith in the state, security forces and the police,” said Premadasa.  “If His Eminence the Cardinal himself is saying that the Easter Attacks was used for political gains, the concerns that mounting over state leadership and security forces will lead to serious issues,” he added.