Elderly person knocked down by robbed motorbike while escaping! Robbers caught up.. Elderly died at the spot!! Tragedy in Chunnakam..
An elderly person of nearly 50 years tragically died at the spot when some robbers stole a motorbike and were fleeing at break neck speed, they knocked down an elderly person on the road.
It is reported that this incident has happened in Chunnakam in the heart of the town.
In Chunnakam before a liquor shop some robbers stole a motorbike parked in front of the liquor shop. While they were taking the bike the owner had seen and chasing the robbers, the robbers fled hurriedly and at a break neck speed to avoid getting caught. While they were fleeing away, they knocked down an elderly person to die at the speed and following this, the Chunnakam police came in to the scene and in no time they could catch the robbers.