Investigation on SSP who ordered tear gas attack on protesters!

The IGP has launched an investigation against SSP Chandana Kodithuwakku attached to the Police Field Force Headquarters, for issuing orders to use tear gas on the protesters demonstrating at the Keangnam Roundabout near Parliament without the permission of senior officials.
IGP Chandana Wickramaratne has instructed the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) to conduct the investigation on the advice of the Secretary to the Ministry of Defense, Major General Jagath Alwis.
It was also revealed that 76 tear gas attacks were directed at the protesters including 49 tear gas canisters and 27 tear gas grenades to disperse the protesters.
Initial investigations revealed that this amount of tear gas was not required to disperse the protesters.
Investigations have revealed that the tear gas was used to control a clash between a group of drunken protesters who had been verbally abusing the police and the STF on the 6th night.
In a situation where the President had issued orders to act in a manner where people are not harassed when dispersing peaceful protests, if tear gas is to be used, the approval of the IGP, Senior DIG or the Public Security Ministry Secretary should be obtained.
However, the SSP is charged with suddenly ordering the use of tear gas on protesters without informing his senior officers.